There’s nothing more beautiful than the intimacy, connection and trust that a tantric massage for couples could offer to both of you.

What to expect from a tantric couple massage at The Ocean

Not only will our massage add to your bedroom repertoire, but it could create a whole new dimension to your relationship.

Feel this magnetic energy of your sensuality flow like never before.

Tantric Couple massage Benefits

  • Profound relaxation and sensual pleasure 

  • Increased attraction and polarity 

  • Increased connection and openness  

  • Enhanced intimacy 

  • A state of happiness and mutual love


Tantric Couple massage options


Watch & Touch

150 minutes

4800,- NOK

(Regular price 5000,-NOK. Discounted price valid until 30/09/2023)


Ready for an unforgettable adventure where the lines between massage and romance blur into a passionate symphony? Allow us to introduce "Watch & Touch" – a sensual experience for couples, designed to deepen your connection. 🌹

One of you receives an exquisite massage from our skilled therapist, while the other takes on the role of the seductive assistant. 😏

You can either enjoy the thrill of watching your partner experience pleasure, feeling desire build with each moment, OR you can engage with them in playful touches, teasing, kissing, hugging - turning up the heat! 😍

Then, switch roles 🔄 to keep the lover's phase alive and feel the passion intensify.

Peaceful Ocean

60 minutes

3200,- NOK

Peaceful Ocean is an express 60 min immersion into your sensual energy. 

In this session you will get a flavor of how a tantric sensual touch could transform your body and mind and how the connection in your couple relationship could reestablish.


90 minutes

4000,- NOK

Deep Ocean is a 90 min invitation to an exciting journey to the ultimate couple’s experience and involves great intimacy and connection between the partners.

This kind of massage has the potential to transform the sensuality in your relationship forever. It will reignite your sexual spark while creating a deep bonding.

Ocean Within

120 minutes

5000,- NOK

Ocean Within is a 120 min deluxe sensual and healing massage session. A real treat. 

In addition to Deep Ocean, in this session you’ll have more body to body touch, more time to work on your sensual intimacy, play and explore your erotic energy.

We will also insist on some of the body parts that need more care and attention depending on your needs. 



1000,- NOK

We have mastered the art of naked massage techniques and each of our sensual naked sessions is guaranteed to bring you excitement, reduce your stress and fill you with erotic pleasure.

A really luxurious pampering by the most sensual velvety body of your naked therapist.


1200,- NOK

The Ocean shower ritual is a deeply caring, luxurious and cleansing water ritual that honors the whole body and relaxes you.

The therapist will lather and soap you in a sensual way while the warm water will give an added dimension of eroticism to the experience.

Breast Friends add-on

Breast Friends

1000,- NOK

With her soft, warm breasts, the therapist will sensually massage your face and different parts of your body. Get ready for an out-of-this-world experience as you feel an overwhelming sense of connection and intimacy that will leave you feeling oh-so-good!


1200,- NOK

Double the time of your therapist gliding her warm sensual body on your body. The electrifying skin to skin feeling, now for EXTRA time.