Tantric massage meets you on many different levels - sexually, emotionally, spiritually. It opens you in a healthy way to enjoy life and love making, to have a greater experience of orgasm.

Why men go to tantric massage

Starting with gentle, delicate touch, awakening your senses while relaxing your mind - moving into more dynamic, stimulating massage with long sweeping strokes over the whole body that will bring waves of pleasure and arousal.

It heals and frees you.

tantric massage Benefits

  • Deep relaxation and pleasure

  • Connect with your body 

  • Control and master your sexual energy

  • Improve erectile dysfunctions, premature ejaculation

  • Drop performance anxiety 

  • Become multi-orgasmic



tantric massage for men


120 minutes

3500,- NOK

Viking Lingam is The Ocean’s most refined treatment for men, involving 120 minutes of full-body massage, with 50-60 minutes of legendary Lingam Massage, intertwined with sensual Body-to-Body massage.

It’s THE choice of those craving for deeper, fulfilling experiences.

Tantra Ocean

90 minutes

2000,- NOK

Tantra Ocean is a 90-minute sensual full-body massage, including Body-to-Body and 20-30 minutes of Lingam Massage. It is designed to help you experience the utmost pleasure, awaken your energy, and slowly disperse it throughout your entire body. Your energy is then redirected upwards, allowing you to stay in maximum control.

Polar Passion

45 minutes

1500,- NOK

Polar Passion is a Tantra-tasting experience for newbies. It’s a quick, intense initiation into the tantric world: 45 minutes of pure joy of ONLY Body-to-Body and 15-20 minutes of Lingam Massage. This experience is tailored for those curious to explore Tantra for the first time.



NUDE Therapist

We have mastered the art of naked massage techniques and each of our sensual naked sessions is guaranteed to bring you excitement, reduce your stress and fill you with erotic pleasure.

A really luxurious pampering by the most sensual velvety body of your naked therapist.


Shower ritual

The Ocean shower ritual is a deeply caring, luxurious and cleansing water ritual that honors the whole body and relaxes you.

The therapist will lather and soap you in a sensual way while the warm water will give an added dimension of eroticism to the experience.

Double time lingam massage

We are the initiators of the “double time Lingam Massage”, as we really understood your desire to have enough touch on your genitals. We created this add-on to help you achieve an unparalleled level of pleasure and satisfaction.

Breast Friends add-on

Breast Friends

With her soft, warm breasts, the therapist will sensually massage your face and different parts of your body. Get ready for an out-of-this-world experience as you feel an overwhelming sense of connection and intimacy that will leave you feeling oh-so-good!

Extra time body-


Double the time of your therapist gliding her warm sensual body on your body. The electrifying skin to skin feeling, now for EXTRA time.


4 hand tantric massage

Our 4 hands sessions involve two therapists, so the price for your session and any add-ons will be doubled.

You will have two therapists taking care of your body, mind and soul. Let go of control and experience two different energy qualities at the same time. Enjoy a double dose of pleasure and bliss.