Why men go to tantric massage
Men are coming to tantric massage for a variety of reasons:
Healing and support - they might be looking for help with controlling ejaculation, erection issues or other health problems.
Re-connection - They might be looking for a deeper connection to their physical and emotional body.
They might want to create a space where they can have the authentic experience of receiving - without judgment, without expectations, without having the need to perform.
They simply want to enjoy, relax and indulge in a deeply sensual body to body massage. All of these, and more, are great reasons for booking a session.
Finding the right tantric therapist
If you consider booking a tantric massage from a professional massage therapist, find a reputable and serious tantric studio or tantra specialist in your area.
Oslo-based tantric massage studio The Ocean offers genuine tantric massages for men conducted by certified tantric therapists.
The massage will take place in a beautiful and intimate atmosphere.
We will gently stimulate all your senses through healing aromatherapy, soft light, sensual music and beautiful touch.
Our sessions are intuitive, sensual and nurturing.
We promise that you will leave our studio feeling happier, more open and more present in your body.